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A smiling laughing professional woman stands with colleagues and the large white Yorkshire Legal Jobs logo sits over the top of them

Elevate your team with Yorkshire Legal Jobs

  • Create your employer profile and be featured on Yorkshire Legal Jobs *
  • List your available vacancies
  • Vacancies don’t expire until you’re ready for them to*

Welcome to the premier platform connecting employers with top-tier legal talent in Yorkshire.

As a cornerstone of Yorkshire’s legal community, we’ve been fostering excellence for decades through Yorkshire Legal News and the prestigious Yorkshire Legal Awards.

Now, leverage our platform to engage with our dedicated audience and connect with candidates who are not just interested but deeply rooted in the local communities they serve.

Don’t settle for the ordinary – prioritise precision over noise in your recruitment.

* Premium accounts only


Enter your details and start your account today. Alternatively, if you’d prefer to be invoiced, contact to get the ball rolling.